Rudolf Hess, HitlerÕs deputy, is in Britain. This news was announced by Downing Street three or four hours after a strangely phrased statement by the German radio that he had set out by himself in a Õplane and had not returned. The German report added that it was presumed he was dead. The following statement was issued from 10, Downing Street, at 11.20 last night:Ñ Rudolf Hess, Deputy Fuhrer of Germany and Party Leader of the National Socialist Party, has landed in Scotland under the following circumstances:Ñ On the night of Saturday the 10th a Messerschmitt 110 was reported by our patrols to have crossed the coast of Scotland and to be flying in the direction of Glasgow. Since an Me. 110 would not have the fuel to return to Germany, this report was at first disbelieved. Later on an Me. 110 crashed near Glasgow with its guns unloaded. Shortly afterwards a German officer who had baled out was found, with his parachute in the neighbourhood, suffering from a broken ankle. He was taken to a hospital in Glasgow, where he at first gave his name as Horn, but later on he declared he was Rudolf Hess. He brought with him various photographs of himself at different ages, apparently in order to establish his identity. These photographs were deemed to be photographs of Hess by several people who knew him personally. Accordingly, an officer of the Foreign Office who was closely acquainted with Hess before the war has been sent up by aeroplane to see him in hospital. Early this morning it was officially stated that Herr HessÕs identity had been established beyond all doubt. HOW HERR HESS LANDED David McLean, a ploughman, was the man who found Rudolf Hess. Here is McLeanÕs own story as told to the ÒDaily Record,Ó Glasgow: ÒI was in the house and everyone else was in bed late at night when I heard the Õplane roaring overhead. As I ran on to the back of the farm I heard a crash and saw the Õplane burst into flames in a field about 200 yards away. ÒI was amazed and a bit frightened when I saw a parachute dropping slowly downwards through the gathering darkness. Peering upwards I could see a man swinging from the harness. ÒI immediately concluded it was a German airman baling out and raced back to the house for help. They were all asleep, however. Fearing I might lose the airman I hurried round by myself again to the back of the house and in the field there I saw the man lying on the ground with his parachute near by. He smiled, and as I assisted him to his feet he thanked me, but I could see that he had injured his foot in some way. I helped him into the house. By this time my old mother and my sister had got out of bed and made tea. The stranger, however, declined any tea and smiled when we told him we were very fond of it in this country. He said, ÔI never drink tea as late as this. I will only have a glass of water.Õ ÒWord was sent to the military authorities and in the meantime our visitor chatted freely to us. His English, although it had a foreign accent, was very clear and he understood every word we said to him. He was a striking-looking man, standing over six feet in height and was wearing a very magnificent flying suit. His watch and identity bracelet were of gold. ÒHe seemed quite confident that he would be well treated, and repeatedly expressed how lucky he had been in landing without mishap. He was most gentlemanly to my old mother and my sister, and stiffly bowed to them when he came in and before he left. He thanked us profusely for what we had done for him. He was anxious about only one thing, and that was his parachute. He said to me, ÔI should like to keep that parachute, for I think I owe my life to it.Õ ÒHe would not tell us who he was and we did not like to press the question as we assumed he was just another German airman who had been brought down. When the officials came on the scene he greeted them with a smile and assured them that he was unarmed, and stood up and held his arms out to allow them to examine him. He was then taken away.Ó As soon as the news came from Germany last night that Hess had disappeared in a Õplane his photographs were shown to Mr McLean and his family. The McLeans had heard the story on the wireless and immediately came to the conclusion that their visitor on Saturday night had been Hess. As soon as he was shown a picture of Hess saluting Hitler Mrs. McLean said: ÒThatÕs the man. ThereÕs no doubt about it.Ó